This protein pudding recipe is thick, creamy and satisfying and takes seconds to prep. 54 grams of protein per serving. Watch how I make this in my kitchen in the video below!
In a large mixing bowl, whisk together the yogurt with protein powder until no clumps remain and the mixture is thick. If you'd like a sweeter pudding, add the sweetener of choice.
Enjoy immediately or cover the bowl and refrigerate the pudding for an hour, to thicken.
* Brown rice vanilla protein powder or casein protein powder (pictured). I do not recommend using whey protein powder, as it thins out the pudding.For a sweeter pudding, add some maple syrup, honey, agave, or granulated sweetener. TO STORE: The pudding should always be stored in the refrigerator, covered. If you find the pudding has thickened too much, you can add some unsweetened almond milk or milk of choice to thin it out. TO FREEZE: Place portions of the pudding in a shallow container and store them in the freezer for up to 2 months. For the ultimate treat, remove the frozen pudding and place it in the blender. Blend until thick and creamy.