Keto Fat Bombs


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This keto fat bombs recipe is the perfect quick and easy snack or dessert to keep the hunger pangs at bay! Ready in just 2 minutes, they are easy to customize and taste incredible!

keto fat bombs

Having regular snacks throughout the day helps me maintain a healthy diet.

For those of us who also follow a keto lifestyle, regular snacking is super important to help keep hunger at bay and to keep energy levels up. Carbohydrates aren’t the only source of fuel, so snacks high in fat and protein are key.

While I love a good keto protein bar or keto granola bar, when I need something quick and filling, my fat bombs recipe is a winner.

Table of Contents
  1. What are fat bombs? 
  2. Ingredients needed
  3. Tips to make the best recipe
  4. Flavors to try
  5. Storage instructions
  6. Frequently Asked Questions
  7. More keto snacks to try
  8. Keto Fat Bombs (Recipe Card)

What are fat bombs? 

Fat bombs are low carb and sugar-free sweet treats, usually made with either coconut oil, coconut butter, cream cheese, avocado, and/or nut butter. Pretty much, any healthy fat can be made to become a fat bomb!

I make them once a week to snack on between meals. Here are some reasons why you’ll love this recipe:

  • 5 ingredients. Two kinds of nuts, nut butter, a sweetener, and chia seeds- That’s it! 
  • No baking required. Everything is blended together and it takes less than 5 minutes to do so. 
  • Just 2 grams net carbs each. Sweet, filling, and delicious, you won’t miss the carbs.
  • Easy to customize. I like to change up the nuts, add cocoa powder, and make it nut-free. The possibilities are endless.

These small sweet snacks are deceptive- They are rich, and sweet and a small serving will keep your sweet tooth AND blood sugars in check!

Ingredients needed

As mentioned earlier, this energy boosting fat fudge needs just five simple ingredients to make. Here is what you’ll need:

  • Pecans. Raw, unsalted pecans are best, as they have a rich and decadent flavor, and pairs well with the almond butter. I have also tested them using walnuts and hazelnuts. 
  • Almonds. To break up the flavor of just one nut, adding almonds gives a buttery flavor, minus the butter. Use toasted almonds, for the best flavor. 
  • Almond butter. Creamy almond butter with a drippy texture. Avoid using thick or crunchy almond butter, as it will be hard to mix. Cashew butter and peanut butter also work.
  • Sugar substitute. keto powdered sugar is preferred, but a brown sugar substitute will also work. I don’t like using erythritol or monk fruit sweetener as they leave a bitter aftertaste.
  • Chia seeds. To hold the fat bombs together.
  • Milk of choice. To help bind everything. I like using coconut milk but any keto milk works. 

How to make keto fat bombs

Blend everything together: Add the nuts into a blender or food processor and pulse until a fine texture remains. Add the remaining ingredients and blend until a thick paste remains. 

Chill the mixture: Transfer the mixture into a bowl, cover it, and refrigerate for 30 minutes, to firm up. 

Roll into balls: Once firm, use a cookie scoop to scoop out portions of the mixture then roll them into balls. 

fat bombs

Tips to make the best recipe

  • Using a food processor or blender ensures the mixture is fully combined and holds its shape better. Only use a mixing bowl as a last resort.
  • Allow at least 30 minutes of refrigeration time for the fat bomb to firm up nicely. If possible, let them chill overnight.
  • Roll the balls in some granulated sweetener for the best texture.
  • Swap out the almond butter for tahini and use seeds (like pepitas and sunflower seeds) instead of the raw nuts.
  • Switch out the granulated sweetener for a liquid one, like keto maple syrup or keto honey. A few drops of liquid stevia will also work.

Flavors to try

To keep things interesting, I love to change up the flavor. Use my base recipe with any of the following mix-ins.

  • Chocolate chip– Fold through 1-2 tablespoons sugar free chocolate chips.
  • Cookie dough– Use only almonds in the base.
  • Lemon– Add 1/4 teaspoon lemon extract.
  • Cherry– Add 1/4 teaspoon cherry extract.
  • Dark chocolate raspberry– Add 1/4 cup of cocoa powder and 1 tablespoon freeze-dried raspberries.
  • Blueberry– Add 2 tablespoons of dried blueberries.
  • Coconut– Add 1/4 cup finely shredded coconut.
  • Chocolate coconut– Add 2 tablespoons cocoa powder and 2 tablespoons shredded coconut.
  • Peanut butter cup– Swap out the cashews for peanuts and add 1 tablespoon cocoa powder.
  • Cookies and cream– Use almonds in the base and add 1 tablespoon chocolate chips and 1 teaspoon cocoa powder.

Storage instructions

To store: Fat bombs should always be stored in the refrigerator in a sealed container. They will keep well for at least two weeks. 

To freeze: Place leftovers in a ziplock bag and store them in the freezer for up to 6 months. 

keto bombs

Frequently Asked Questions

When should I eat a keto fat bomb?

Fat bombs are great snacks between meals but also work as a healthy dessert.

Are fat bombs healthy?

While they are higher in fat than other snacks, fat bombs are mostly sugar-free and very low in carbs and have NO refined carbohydrates. They keep blood sugar levels stable and keep you satisfied for longer.

More keto snacks to try

keto fat bomb recipes

Keto Fat Bombs

5 from 197 votes
These keto fat bombs are the perfect quick and easy snack or dessert to keep the hunger pangs at bay! Ready in just 2 minutes, they are easy to customize and taste incredible!
Servings: 12 Fat Bombs
Prep: 1 minute
Cook: 1 minute
Total: 2 minutes



  • In a high-speed blender or food processor, add your pecans and almonds and blend well, until a crumbly texture remains.
  • Add your almond butter, sweetener and chia seeds and continue to blend, until completely combined. Regularly scrape down the sides. Add in your milk of choice and blend again. If the batter is too crumbly, add extra milk.
  • Transfer your dough into a mixing bowl. Cover and place in the fridge for at least 30 minutes, to firm up.
  • Remove from the fridge and using either a cookie scoop or your hands, form 12 balls and place on a lined plate or shallow container.


TO STORE: Fat bombs should always be stored in the refrigerator in a sealed container. They will keep well for at least two weeks. 
TO FREEZE: Place leftovers in a ziplock bag and store them in the freezer for up to 6 months


Serving: 1Fat bombCalories: 149kcalCarbohydrates: 5gProtein: 6gFat: 15gSodium: 4mgPotassium: 164mgFiber: 3gVitamin A: 6IUVitamin C: 1mgCalcium: 74mgIron: 1mgNET CARBS: 2g
Course: Dessert, Snack
Cuisine: American
Author: Arman Liew
Tried this recipe?Give us a shout at @thebigmansworld or tag #thebigmansworld!

Arman Liew

I’m a two time cookbook author, photographer, and writer, and passionate about creating easy and healthier recipes. I believe you don’t need to be experienced in the kitchen to make good food using simple ingredients that most importantly, taste delicious.

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