2 Ingredient Dough Naan (No yeast!)


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Soft, fluffy and delicious homemade naan bread made with just TWO ingredients! This 2 ingredient dough naan bread is healthier than traditional naan and takes less than 10 minutes to make- no yeast!

2 Ingredient Dough Naan

Naan Bread without yeast

After stocking up on a bunch of pantry friendly ingredients, I found myself to have a plethora of self-rising flour.

Now, don’t get me wrong. I didn’t go out and buy this particular type of flour as if you look through my recipes, it’s not a flour I regularly use. 

I often stick to grain-free and low carb flours, like coconut flour and almond flour.

However, as a means to make use of my pantry staple ingredients, I’ve been digging through it over the past week!

The famous 2 ingredient weight watchers dough has been used to make these 2 ingredient bagels, 2 ingredient pizza crusts and 2 ingredient soft pretzels.

After a curry craving last night, 2 ingredient dough naan bread had to be next!

What is naan bread? 

Traditional naan bread is a staple bread in many East Asian countries, like India and Sri Lanka. It’s leavened and most often baked in the oven.

It’s generally made with flour, yeast, salt, and water. 

Enjoyed with curries, stews and on their own, they make a fantastic side dish or a substitute for a pizza base! 

In this recipe, we don’t bake the naan bread but instead, dry fry it (pan fry it without oil). This makes is SO much quicker. 

Taste-wise, naan bread is mild and doughy, and with a slightly more salty flavor than standard bread.

Texture-wise, it is doughy, fluffy and slightly tender on the outside- you MUST enjoy it warm! 

Is naan bread healthy?

Depending on where in the world you are and how you make your naan bread, it can be healthy. More often than not, it is what you eat WITH the naan bread that can tip it in the direction of unhealthy. 

While traditional naan bread tends to be coated in oil or butter, my version is healthier than the original and virtually fat-free!

2 Ingredient Greek Yogurt Dough Naan Bread

How to make naan bread from scratch

Making naan bread from scratch is SO simple. As it contains no yeast, it literally takes less than 10 minutes to make a batch! 

The Ingredients

  • Self-rising flour– Either gluten-free self-rising flour or standard self-raising (self-raising) flour must be used. You can make your own self-rising flour following the recipe here
  • Greek Yogurt– Either non-fat or standard Greek yogurt works. I used coconut Greek yogurt, to keep it vegan friendly, and also dairy-free. 
  • Salt– Optional, but reduces the yogurt flavor in the dough. 
  • Butter or oil, to brush– To give the naan bread a gorgeous shine. This is not necessary at all. 

The Instructions 

No crazy mixing bowls or kitchen gadgets needed at all!

In a large mixing bowl, you’ll want to combine your flour, salt (if using it) and Greek yogurt and mix until combined. If you like, use your hands to mix in the dough until fully incorporated. Form a big ball of dough.

Then, you’ll lightly flour a wooden or kitchen surface. Sprinkle a little extra flour on the ball of dough, and transfer onto the floured surface. Press the ball of dough into a circular shape and cut into 8 even pieces. Flatten each piece of dough, and form a rough, oblong shape. 

Finally, you will heat a large non-stick pan on medium heat. When hot, place one piece of naan dough onto the pan and cook for 2-3 minutes, before flipping and cooking for another 2 minutes. Repeat until all the dough has been used up and 8 naan bread remains! 

If desired, brush the tops of the naan bread with melted butter or oil. 

two ingredient dough naan bread

What can I use instead of yogurt in naan bread?

While Greek yogurt is the only kind of yogurt that works well (including vegan Greek yogurt) there IS another alternative for Greek yogurt that can be used.

Sour cream works in the same way Greek yogurt does, as it is thick and holds together. You can substitute the Greek yogurt with sour cream.

I haven’t tried vegan sour cream, but lactose-free sour cream does work. 

Is naan bread vegan and gluten-free?


My version IS vegan (dairy-free Greek yogurt) and gluten-free (gluten-free self-rising flour).

If you don’t follow any of those diets, stick to Greek yogurt and standard gluten-free self-rising flour. 

Can you refrigerate and freeze naan bread?

If you plan to enjoy the naan bread within 3 days, there is no need to refrigerate it. 

To refrigerate: You should avoid refrigerating the uncooked dough, as it will become stickier the longer it sits. You will need to add extra flour to make it durable to form into naan bread. 

If you have leftover naan that you don’t want to enjoy immediately, you can refrigerate it to enjoy later. 

Place leftover naan bread in a ziplock bag and be sure to enjoy them within 7 days. 

To freeze: Cooked naan bread is freezer friendly. Place the naan bread in a ziplock bag. They will keep fresh frozen for up to 6 months.

To reheat: Allow frozen naan to thaw to room temperature. Either reheat in the microwave or crisp up in the pan. 

What to eat or serve with naan bread

Traditional ways to enjoy Naan bread is to enjoy it as a side, but here are some other suggestions-

  • Side dish– Enjoy naan bread with homemade curry, with a veggie burger or your favorite protein.
  • Pizza- Substitute your traditional pizza crust with naan bread- Top it as you would with any pizza and bake until the toppings are cooked and cheese is melted. 
  • Toast substitute- Replace your toast with it, and spread some almond butter or homemade Nutella on top! 
homemade almond butter in a jar

Naan bread variations and flavors

  • Garlic naan- Add 1/2 teaspoon of garlic powder into the dough. Brush the tops with melted butter and crushed garlic. 
  • Butter naan- Brush the tops of the naan with melted butter and let sit, before re-brushing again.
  • Cheese naan- Divide naan dough into two, and top shredded cheese on one half of it. Top with remaining half and pan fry as normal, until cheese has melted in between.
  • Paneer naan- Crumble fresh paneer into the naan dough, along with 1/4 teaspoon of garlic powder and onion powder. 
  • Chilli cheese naan– Fold through red pepper flakes (to taste) into the dough, along with shredded cheese (1/4 cup). Cook as you would, and enjoy. 
homemade naan bread

More delicious 2 ingredient dough recipes

2 ingredient naan bread

2 Ingredient Dough Naan Bread- No Yeast!

5 from 3142 votes
Foolproof 2 ingredient dough naan bread recipe, made with just Greek yogurt (vegan!) and self rising flour (gluten-free!). Thick, fluffy and doughy naan bread made with no yeast and ready in 10 minutes!
Servings: 8 Naan breads
Prep: 5 minutes
Cook: 5 minutes


  • 1 3/4 cups self-rising flour use gluten-free, if needed
  • 1 cup Greek Yogurt vegan Greek yogurt, non-fat, full-fat or reduced fat
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1 tablespoon butter of choice Optional, to brush naan breads


  • In a large mixing bowl, combine your flour, salt (if using it) and Greek yogurt. Mix well, until combined. Then, use your hands to form a large ball of dough.
  • Lightly flour a wooden or kitchen surface. Sprinkle a little extra flour on top of the ball of dough, before transferring it to the floured surface. Flatten into a circular shape and divide into 8 even portions. Flatten each portion into a rectangular shape (like a classic Naan bread).
  • Heat a non-stick saucepan on medium heat. When hot, place flattened dough and cook for 3 minutes, before flipping and cooking a further 2 minutes. Repeat until all the naan bread is cooked.
  • Once cooked, if desired, lightly brush the tops of each naan bread with melted butter.


See post for all Yogurt and Flour options.
This recipe will NOT work with almond flour or coconut flour. It must use self-rising flour. To make your own, click here


Serving: 1naan breadCalories: 113kcalCarbohydrates: 19gProtein: 7gFat: 1gSodium: 155mgPotassium: 63mgFiber: 1gCalcium: 32mgIron: 1mgNET CARBS: 18g
Course: Side Dish
Cuisine: Indian
Author: Arman Liew
Tried this recipe?Give us a shout at @thebigmansworld or tag #thebigmansworld!

Arman Liew

I’m a two time cookbook author, photographer, and writer, and passionate about creating easy and healthier recipes. I believe you don’t need to be experienced in the kitchen to make good food using simple ingredients that most importantly, taste delicious.

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  1. Great easy recipe for an old codger like me to use, and have added coriander and garlic flecks to give it a little added zing to the naan bread.
    Have also used this recipe to make pizza bases, as have to do gluten free stuff when my son visits.
    Thanks for sharing.

  2. 5 stars
    This was so easy and turned out great! I made a coconut curry dish and needed something to go with it and came across your recipe. Really appreciate the time you took to share it, thank you!

  3. 5 stars
    This is the best recipe for bread I have found. I used goat yogurt and made my own self rising GF flour. I have tried many many recipes for GF and have bought many ready made breads and mixes. This is the easiest and the best I have found.

  4. 5 stars
    Dear Mr Boopie,
    Thank you for this superb & magnificent recipe. I have made it 3 times now and I do it better each time. I absolutely adore this recipe. My Sweetie thinks I am wonderful for making this bread.
    It’s the best recipe I have ever made. I have not actually made it for myself but I will tomorrow and I will be using Einkorn flour. I will report back. Thank you, take care…

  5. 5 stars
    Made these tonight, gluten free and vegan , two ingredient version and they are wonderful! Thanks so much Arman! Left comment and pic on Pinterest post! 🙋‍♀️🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿💖🙏

  6. 5 stars
    Amazing recipe! So quick and easy. The best part is that I had all of these ingredients on hand. I made a garlic butter topping and sprinkled salt and cilantro on top after frying. Yuuuummmm. Thanks for sharing!

  7. 5 stars
    Wow! These were Fabulous, so easy to make and so soft and delicious! No need to use another recipe any more… this is it 😍🙏

  8. I am going to try this for a cooking comp my mum said it was the best recipe that the has ever made please dont fail on me… do yu have any tips of any sort to make it better?

    I was thinking to make it cheesey, are you thinking that will work and I also got dared to add flavour yogourt do you think that will work?

  9. 5 stars
    Made a few kinds of naan, mainly with yeast. I did this tonight because I didn’t have time for the yeast to do its job. It was delicious. Wonderful texture, and just thick enough. Cooked mine with a little ghee (not vegan here, and used regular lo fat Greek yogurt). Very nice.

  10. 5 stars
    I Love Love Love all of your recipes. !I really wish folks would read the dang recipes instead of picking them apart with their opinions. Keep up the Great Work 🙂

  11. 5 stars
    I have been “researching” (aka procrastinating) GF tortillas, flatbreads and naans. Looking for something that would work to make GF individual pizzas. THIS IS IT! Took me 2 min to mix together GF self-rising flour. Another 5 min to mix the dough together (mine was a little dry, added 1 tablespoon more yogurt). I made a tiny sample, put a dot of butter on it and was so excited to keep on making 8 naans. Thank you!!

  12. Delicious and so easy. I brushed mine with garlic butter prior to pan frying and it was so much better than those from the restaurant. Will come back to this recipe time and time again.

  13. 5 stars
    So easy and so good! After cooking I brushed them with a little melted butter and sprinkled with za’atar and they were delicious!